


We are now also distributing wreckfish taken at the base of a vertical wall in 800 - 1,000 feet of water.  The site is known as the "Charleston Bump" and is located 130 miles southeast of Charleston, SC (see map below).  The Gulf Stream flows northward against this wall and it carries midwater fishes directly toward the waiting wreckfish, which grow very large.  Because of upwelling and the plankton explosion caused by the powerful Gulf Stream current, the "Charleston Bump" area is highly productive for all types of marine life from the smallest plankton (the base of the food web) to the largest predatory fishes such as swordfish, marlin and tuna (seasonally).


Wreckfish look much like a very large black grouper but they are members of an entirely different family.  They can grow to over 200 lbs.  The ones we get weigh 20 to 45 lbs (pictured below).  They are ambush predators that hide in caves, crevices or shipwrecks (thus their name).  Their range extends from Georgia to Nova Scotia, but they are apparently found in commercial quantities only on the "Charleston Bump."

The fishery is sustainably managed by the South Atlantic Fishery Management Council as part of its reef fish management plan (which includes numerous snapper and grouper species).  Only four vessels are allowed to participate in the fishery and each has an annual quota which can be caught anytime during the annual season which extends generally from early April through December providing us and other consumers with a relatively constant supply of top quality wreckfish throughout most of the year.

 Their white flesh is firm and succulent if properly prepared (cooked low and slow).

Restaurant Nora's Chef, Ben Lambert


Additional Pages

King and Coho Salmon

Sockeye Salmon


Sablefish (Blackcod)

Striped Bass or "Rockfish"

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Sailfish Jim

Prime Seafood's owner is a fisheries biologist with over 35 years of experience including 30 years as a federal government official involved in marine fisheries conservation and management, nationwide and internationally.

If you are a serious fisherman, check out his website devoted to Big Marine Fish.


Give us a call to discuss regular deliveries for your fine restaurant. 


Prime Seafood's logo - chinook salmon

Jim Chambers, Owner

Joe Boncore, Director of Operations (240-483-8475)

Prime Seafood, LLC,  9814 Kensington Parkway, Kensington, MD 20895 

 (Office) 301-949-7778      (Fax)  301-949-3003      (Mobile) 202-330-9121



Updated 10/17/12





Updated 10/17/12